Monday, January 29, 2024

DY24003 Droitwich Salt V01 290124

County       Worcestershire

Parishes    Droitwich West St Andrew (Hb on map) West of Hanbury

                   Droitwich East St Peter  (Hc on map) West of Hanbury

            Worcestershire Parishes

           Raven Hotel, Droitwich

In the researching and writing of my Domesday Book the one thing that surprised me was the importance of salt in 1086. Salt was not only important to add taste to food but it was also a vital preservative for fish and meat. It was obtained by the evapouration from sea water or from inland brine springs. Salt works are recorded in the Domesday Book along coasts from Lincolnshire to Cornwall. Along the Dorset coast there were 27 at Lyme, 16 at Charmouth and 13 at Ower. At Ower salt workers were the only recorded inhabitants in the settlement. In the case of inland brine springs the Cheshire industry centred on Northwich, Middlewich and Nanwich. With the mention of the “boilings” and of a “brine pit” at Nantwich.

In Worcestershire it was centred at the borough (town) of Droitwich and salt works are entered for the borough and for a number of local villages. To show the importance of salt some thirty villages outside Worcestershire owned or had rights in the Droitwich salt works. In terms of the distribution of salt it was considered so important there was a network of “saltways” radiating from Droitwich. Locally it is still talked about if you live on one of the old saltways.

What is strange is in the Domesday Book someone living in Princes Risborough west of Oxford in Buckinghamshire, more than 70 miles away from Droitwich, owned a share in the Droitwich salt workings whilst there was a significant saltway to Finmere which was north east of Oxford so these locations were not far apart. It does not take much imagination to appreciate this was a secondary area of distribution for Droitwich salt. Possibly a trader regularly moving salt along the saltway to be sold in this area of England.

This article by is by Mike Sharpe from The Bromsgrove Society a Local History Group.

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 Unearthing the Salt Town

Droitwich Spa is unique in England in having natural brine springs that have been exploited for at least 2,000 years.

Along the Salwarpe valley, brine from underground streams was collected and evaporated to make salt. This vital resource brought great wealth to the area.

Archaeological evidence shows salt has been manufactured here since at least 600 BC. But the arrival of the Romans around 70 AD took salt production and distribution to a whole new level.

They probably constructed the first timber-lined brine well (later known as the Upwich pit) and built roads for the transport of salt which radiated out in six directions. The Romans also built a small hill fort at Dodderhill to consolidate their hold on the area, which they called 'Salinae' (saltirngs).

Anglo-Saxon charters confirm that salt working continued after Roman times when the settlement was known as ‘Wyche'. From late Saxon times onwards, Droitwich's salt rights were owned by the Crown, the Church, and other high-status individuals.

The Domesday Book of 1086, William the Conqueror's great national tax survey, records ten brine pits and 230 salt pans, and in later years people are reported to have visited the salt springs to find a cure for leprosy. It was around this time that the town acquired Borough status. 

In 1215 King John's royal charter leased the Crown's salt rights to the burgesses of Wyche for an annual rent of £100, a huge amount at the time (Worcester paid just £40 annually).This gave the burgesses an effective monopoly on salt production.

By the late Middle Ages Droitwich was one of the richest towns in England, a fact evidenced by having four separate churches — unheard of in a town of its size. The heart of the town was broad burgage plots along what are now High Street, Friar Street and St Andrew's Street.

The production of salt was highly energy intensive, requiring massive amounts of wood for the fires used to boil down the brine pans. Visiting Droitwich in 1588, the historian John Leland noted that "They be forced to seke wood as far as Worcestere towne, and all the parties about Bremisgrove".This heavy demand for wood was one of the factors in the decline of nearby Feckenham Forest, which had been a massive royal hunting forest.

The Borough's monopoly continued until 1695 when a legal challenge by Robert Steynor, who had sunk a brine well on his own land, succeeded after a five-year court battle. In later centuries, the salt industry became more mechanised and traditional salt routes were replaced by the newly built canals.

Along the Salwarpe valley, brine from underground streams was collected and evaporated to make salt This vital resource brought great wealth to the area. Archaeological evidence shows salt has been manufactured here since at least 600 BC. But the arrival of the Romans around 70 AD took salt production and distribution to a whole new level. They probably constructed the first timber-lined brine well (later known as the Upwich pit) and built roads for the transport of salt which radiated out in six directions. The Romans also built a small hill fort at Dodderhill to consolidate their hold on the area, which they called 'Salinae' (saltings).

Anglo-Saxon charters confirm that salt working continued after Roman times when the settlement was known as Wyche. From late Saxon times onwards, Droitwich's salt rights were owned by the Crown, the Church, and other high-status individuals.

The Domesday Book of 1086 —William the Conqueror's great national tax survey — records ten brine pits and 230 salt pans, and in later years people are reported to have visited the salt springs to find a cure for leprosy. It was around this time that the town acquired Borough status.

In 1215 King John's royal charter leased the Crown's salt rights to the burgesses of Wyche for an annual rent of £100, a huge amount at the time (Worcester paid just £40 annually).This gave the burgesses an effective monopoly on salt production.

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Note on the map the number of Salt Works in the 
vicinity of the Raven Hotel along with Brine Baths
Map 1883-1913 


This information below has been taken from an App called “A History of English Places” published by  the British History Online ( The map is based upon the First Edition of Ordnance Survey Maps from 1883 – 1913. Whilst the text is from the Topographical Dictionary of England (Lewis 1848). 

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DROITWICH, an ancient borough and market town, having exclusive jurisdiction, and the head of a union, locally in the Upper division of the hundred of Halfshire, Eastern division of the county of Worcester, 6¾ miles (N. E. by N.) from the City of Worcester, and 118 (N. W.) from London; containing 2832 inhabitants. This place was anciently denominated ”Wich” or ”Wiche” ,from the wiches, or salt-springs, wherewith the neighbourhood abounds; and the prefix “Droit”, right or legal, is supposed to refer to some exclusive privilege for the manufacture of salt, obtained by the inhabitants. It appears to have been the town of the ancient Britons called by Richard of Cirencester “Salinæ”, from its saline springs, situated on a British road, styled the Saltway. There is no evidence of its having ever been occupied by the Romans; but under the Saxon government it rose to importance, and seems to have given name to their province of “Wiccia”, of which Worcestershire constituted the principal part. During the war between Charles I., and the parliament, the inhabitants adhered steadily to the royal cause, and received a letter from that unfortunate monarch, acknowledging a due sense of their loyalty. 

The Town is situated on the River Salwarp, upon which are several corn-mills. The manufacture of salt existed here at the period of our history when the Romans held partial possession of the county, though it was not until the year 1725 that the strong brine, for which it is now famous, was discovered; the purity of the salt is considered superior to that of any salt obtained elsewhere, and the quantity produced amounts to about 50,000 tons a year. By charter of James I, the exclusive privilege of sinking pits within the borough was given to the corporation, who granted licences to others; but this was overthrown about 1690, by a legal decision in favour of an enterprising individual, who, by a breach of this supposed right, successfully encountered the opposition of the party claiming it. Pits then became numerous, and the trade was thrown open to competition, to the great advantage of the community. The principle or method of making the salt remained unvaried until lately, when several persons adopted other modes, and obtained patents for them, but afterwards resorted to the old practice. In 1841, Mr. Benjamin Smith received a patent (subsequently assigned to Mr. George Ellins) for "an improved apparatus for making salt from brine," whereby five large pans of brine are heated and made to produce salt, of a superior quality and grain, with the same quantity of fuel that was previously required for one pan only. The supply of brine is obtained by boring, upon the Artesian principle. Mr. Ellins sank a shaft of seven feet diameter to the depth of 200 feet, the last thirty being through a bed of rock-salt, and then formed a large cavity, into which a powerful spring of brine introduced itself, instantaneously filling it and rising to the surface. He afterwards sank another shaft equally deep, the water having burst in upon the first; but this, also, has been abandoned, as the fresh water could not be kept out; and Mr. Ellins has sunk another well in the neighbourhood of the old pits. It was always thought that the brine was confined to the valley between the High-Street and Dodderhill Church; but in 1847 Messrs. Walter and John Noak, natives of the town, after surmounting various difficulties, found a bountiful supply of brine of excellent quality, beneath the surface of a field called Covercroft, near the union-workhouse, on an eminence far removed from any other brine-pit. An act was procured in 1767, for a canal from this town to the River Severn, which was begun in 1768, and completed in 1771, under the direction of Brindley, the celebrated engineer, at an expense of £25,000, it is navigable for vessels of sixty tons' burthen, and the junction takes place at Hawford. The Birmingham and Gloucester Railway has a station a mile and a half eastward of the town; and an act was passed in 1845 for a railway from Oxford, by Droitwich, to Wolverhampton; with a branch of four miles from Droitwich to Stoke-Prior, on the Birmingham and Gloucester line. A building called the Exchequer-house, where the payments from the persons who held licences to make salt, and the other profits derived by the corporation from the brine-pits, were made weekly, was erected about the year 1581; but it was taken down in 1826, and new court-rooms have been built near the spot on which it stood. At the same time an old market-house was pulled down, and a new one formed under the courtrooms; also a good prison. The hot and cold salt-water baths, here, were established in 1836, at the suggestion of Dr. Hastings, of Worcester, and are celebrated for their efficacy in cases of rheumatism, paralysis, asthma, and affections of the spine. Gas-works were erected in the same year. The malting-trade is carried on to a limited extent. The market is on Friday; and there are fairs on the Monday before the 20th of June, and the Wednesday before St. Thomas' day, during which a court of pie-poudre is held. The town was originally incorporated by a Charter from John, conferring on the inhabitants various privileges, which were confirmed and increased by succeeding monarchs; and by the charter of the 22nd of James I., which refers to prior charters, the body corporate consisted of two bailiffs, a recorder, two justices, a town-clerk, burgesses, &c. By the act of the 5th and 6th of William IV., the government is vested in a mayor, four aldermen, and twelve councillors; and a commission of the peace has been granted by Her present Majesty to the borough, which has now nine magistrates. The powers of the county debt-court of Droitwich, established in 1847, extend over nearly the whole of the registration-district of Droitwich. The town returned two burgesses to the parliaments of Edward I., and to those held in the 2nd and 4th of Edward II., from which period the privilege ceased until 1554: it now sends only one member, having been deprived of the other by the act of the 2nd of William IV. The right of election, according to a decision of the house of commons in 1690, was vested in the burgesses of the corporation of the salt-springs, in number about forty; but by the act just mentioned, the privilege was extended to the £10 householders of an enlarged district, comprising by estimation 22,656 acres: the mayor is returning officer. The town is the place of election for the eastern division of the county. The ancient borough comprises the greater part of the united parish of St. Andrew and St. Mary-deWitton, containing 790 inhabitants; the parishes of St. Peter-de-Witton, 703, and St. Nicholas, 588; and a small portion of that of St. Augustine-de-Wich, or Dodderhill, 686. The parishes of St. Andrew and St. Mary were united by letters-patent of Edward VI., dated 4th of June, in the second year of his reign; and the union was confirmed by an act obtained in the 13th of Charles II. St. Andrew's contains 541 acres, St. Peter's 697, St. Nicholas' 307; and the liberties forming part of Dodderhill 22 acres. The living of St. Andrew's is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £7. 12. 1., and in the patronage of the family of Silvester for one presentation, and then of the Crown; the tithes have been commuted for £208, and the glebe comprises 20 acres. The church, which was rebuilt after its destruction by a casual fire in 1293, has some fine portions in the early English style, with additions of later date; it is very neat in its interior, and has a good organ. The living of St. Peter's is a discharged vicarage, endowed with the rectorial tithes, valued in the king's books at £6, and in the gift of Earl Somers: the tithes have been commuted for £170, and the glebe contains half an acre. The church has a tower in the later English style, a handsome ceiling of carved oak, some fine decorated windows, and a small quantity of ancient stained glass: Dr. Nash, the historian of Worcestershire, and editor of a splendid edition of Hudibras, lies buried here. A chapel of ease stood on the bridge, but was taken down in 1763. The living of St. Nicholas' is a rectory, rated in the king's books at £4. 9. 7.: the tithes until recently were wholly impropriate, but one half of them is now paid to the incumbent of St. Andrew's, who has the spiritual care of the parish; they have been commuted for £105. The church was greatly injured during the parliamentary war, and is now entirely demolished. There are places of worship for dissenters. A school is supported by an endowment from the Right Hon. Henry Coventry; and there is a national school, endowed with £20 per annum from the Oakley estate at Salwarp. A Sunday school for boys was founded in 1789, by N. G. Petre, who endowed it with £850 three per cent. consols.; there is also an infants' school. The Coventry hospital, in St. Peter's parish, was founded with a bequest by Henry, son of Lord Coventry, keeper of the great seal in the reign of Charles I.; who, previous to his death, in 1686, left £1000 for the erection of a workhouse, and also estates for its maintenance, which last were converted into a rent-charge of £473, and, with accumulations vested in the funds, produce an income of £1109 per annum. The poor law union of Droitwich comprises twenty-six parishes or places, and contains 17,465 inhabitants. Richard de Wich, Bishop of Chichester, a man of extensive erudition, and who was canonized by Urban IV., in 1262, nine years after his death, was born here: the inhabitants held his fame in great estimation, and were wont to celebrate an annual festival with games, &c., in honour of him. Serjeant Wilde, an eminent republican lawyer, who was made lord chief baron of the exchequer under the protectorship of Cromwell, was also a native of Droitwich, and was buried in St. Peter's Church.

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 Useful links.

The Droitwich to Finmere Saltway on the Our Warwickshire Website.

This "Our Warwickshire Site" is one of the best designed historical websites that can be viewed on the internet covering the County of Warwickshire which this saltway passes through from Droitwich in Worcestershire. Follow this link for starters but then take your time to look around the site.

 Domesday Book by David Bannister for sale on Amazon

The Ravern Hotel , Droitwich . Google Street View

                    1. Launch Link

                    2. Click on Red Pin on map

                    3. Select "Streetview" by clicking image bottom left

                    4. Navigate around with arrows.,-2.1493597

 Not in a good state in the Street View. It is awaiting redevelopment.

 Wikipedia Link to Droitwich Spa

Historic Droitwich


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